Monday, September 28, 2020

Summary of Dust Of Snow| NCERT book class 10 english

September 28, 2020

             DUST OF SNOW

Dust of snow


'Dust of snow' by Robert Frost is a brief poem but it conveys the poem's message coherently. The poem shows how human judgement on certain issues can be misleading. The poet depicts the Crow and the hemlock tree as reasons for his changed mood and increased optimism. 


'Dust of snow' is a beautiful short poem, written by Robert Frost. This poem tells that even a simple moment has a large impact and significance. The poet has mentioned Crow and hemlock tree in the poem. 

Crow signify that the poet was not in a good mood and so he describes the dark, depressive and bitter side of nature to present his similar mood. 

In such a sad, depressive mood, the poet was sitting under a hemlock tree. A crow, sitting on the same tree, shook off the dust of snow i.e., small particles of snow that remain on the surface after the snowfall, on the poet. This simple action changed the poet's mood. He realized that he had just wasted a part of his day repenting and being lost in sorrow. But the change in his mood made him realized that he should utilize the rest of the day in some useful activity. His sorrow was washed away by the light shower of snow dust. His sprit was revived and he got ready to utilize the rest of the day constructively. 

Explanation of the poem 

                    The way a crow 

                    Shook down on me 

                    The dust of sno

                    From a hemlock tree 


                           Has given my heart

                            A change of mood

                            And save some part

                            Of a day I had rued

Explanation: The poet is upset and sitting under the hemlock tree. Suddenly a crow, sitting on the tree, shakes the particles of snow from the tree which fall on the poet. The soft and cold touch of snow changes the poet's mood from sad to happy. He starts feeling sooted and refreshed. In this way, a simple moment proves to be very significant and saves the rest of the day of poet from being wasted and held in regret.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

What is Noun |kinds of noun|

September 27, 2020


Noun kinds of noun

Nouns are the names of the person, places, things ( living or non-living ), animals, feelings, ideas, etc.

                   KINDS OF NOUNS
1. Proper noun
2. Common noun
3. Collective noun
4. Material noun
5. Abstract noun

1. PROPER NOUN - The name of a person, place or anything in particular is called proper noun.
Examples :-
              Persons -  Mahatma Gandhi, Akshay         
                                 Kumar, etc.        
              Places - America, Nepal, etc.
              Things - Micromax, The Ganges, 
                              Sunday, India Today, etc. 

2. COMMON NOUN - Names of the persons, places, things (living or non-living), in general are termed as common nouns. 
Example :-
         Person - Women, child, girl, etc.
         Places - school, office, etc.
         Things - mobile phone, computer, fan,
         Professionals - doctor, editor, miller, etc.
         Animals - dog, cat, rat, squirrel, etc.

3. COLLECTIVE NOUNS - Names of the collections or groups of persons, places, things, etc., are called collective nouns.
Examples :-
Crowd, people, police, bunch, jury,                     herd, swarm, flock, assembly, etc.

4. MATERIAL NOUNS - These are the names of the materials or substances of which things are made.
Examples :-
               Gold, silver, milk, sugar, water, mud,  
               salt, air, wood, stone ,etc.

5. ABSTRACT NOUNS - These are the names of the various feelings, qualities, actions, states, virtues, etc.
Examples :-
             Wisdom, sincerity, success, truth,          
              honour, height, danger, comfidence,
              bravely, hate, etc.
nouns can be divided into two categories:
1. Countable nouns
2. Uncountable nouns

1. COUNTABLE NOUNS - The nouns that can be counted are called countable nouns.
(i) Singular nouns represent only one member of their kind for class.
Examples :
         Story, class, man, girl, animal, etc.
(ii) Plural nouns represent more than one member of their kind or class.
Examples :
            Boxes, men, ladies, leaves, children,
            keys, ants, facts, etc.
2. UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS - Nouns of this category can not be counted. They mainly denote substances which have Bulk but not number, and abstract things or ideas.
Examples :
            Milk, earth, hair, friendship, sugar, etc.

ON THE BASIS OF GENDER, nouns are categorised as
1. Masculine
2. Feminine
3. Common
4. Neuter

1. MASCULINE - These are nouns indicating male members of various species.
Examples :
          King, man, boy, ox, dog, servant, etc.
2.  FEMININE - These are nouns indicating female members of various species.
Examples :
           Queen, woman, girl, cow, maid, bitch,
3. COMMON - These are the nouns which do not distinguish between male or female and  are common for both.
Examples :
            Child, engineer, teacher, friend, artist,      
            cook, joker, etc.
4. NEUTER - Nouns of this category indicate only lifeless things.
Examples :
            Stone, knife, Apple, house, coin, etc.

Essay on pollution| air pollution| water pollution| Land pollution|Noise or sound pollution

September 27, 2020

           Essay on pollutions

Pollution is the harmful materials into the environment.  These harmful materials are called pollutants.

pollutants can be natural such as volcanic ash. Pollution is very harmful for all the living organism on the Earth. It damage the quality of air, water and land. Pollution may muddy landscapes poison soils and water, or kill plants and animals. Human are also harmed by pollution.

 Example - Lung cance and other disease. 

There are mainly four types of pollution :- 
1. Air pollution
2. Water pollution
3. Soil pollution
4. Noise pollution

   Air pollution

AIR POLLUTION :- The presence of harmful gases in air is called air pollution.

Such as, dust, smoke of vehicles, etc. 


(i) It cause health effects for human being.

(ii) harmful for animals and plants.

      Animals and plants are destroyed.

(iii) it effect global warming.


(i) smoke of vehicles.

(ii) burning of paper and plastics, etc. 

(iii) From industrial use.

(iv) Household and farming chemicals.

(v) Deforestation.

   Water pollution

WATER POLLUTION :- The presence of non- biodegradable wastes in water is known as water pollution.

Such as, vegetables peels, fruits peels, etc


(i) Polluted water can harm wild animals, domestic animals and aquatic organisms.

(ii) In human, drinking or consuming polluted water in any way has many effects on our health. It cause typhoid, cholera and other diseases.


(i) Industrial wastes.

(ii) people throw garbages in water.

(iii) Agricultural practices produce waste water.

(iv) Leakage from water tanks.

(v) Marine dumping.

   Land pollution

LAND POLLUTION :-  Land pollution is anything that damages the land or soil is known as land pollution.


(i) loss of ecosystem.

(ii)  loss of topsoil.

(iii) Effect in underground water.

(iv) Animals and human beings will also be harm by land pollution.

(v) Shifting habitats.


(i) people throw non- biodegradable wastes on land.

(ii) Industrialization.

(iii) Agricultural practices.

(iv) Human sewage.

(v)  Deforestation.

  Noise/Sound pollution

NOISE POLLUTION :- Noise pollution can be defined as any disturbing or unwanted sound that interferes or harmful for human being or animals.


(i) High blood pressure.

(ii) Heart attacks.

(iii) Headache.

(iv) Hearing loss


(i) Vehicles horns.

(ii) Industrial machine.

(iii) Loudspeaker.

(iv) Crackers.

(v) construction sites.

How to write a diary , you went on a trip from school. Describing your trip as well as your experience | Diary writing|

September 27, 2020

  Diary writing for a school trip

Write a diary , you went on a trip from school. Describing your trip as well as your experience

Write a diary , you went on a trip from school. Describing your trip as well as your experience

27 May, 2020
7:05 p.m., Sunday

Dear Diary,

  It is a pleasant, fun-filled day today. I am in Solan in Himachal Pradesh. Fourteen of my classmates are also with me. We are enjoying our trip from school with our favourite teachers. We went para-gliding today. It was a thrilling adventure. After the initial scare, all of us took to  it like fish to water. In fact, we all complained why the session had ended so soon! I am already thinking of coming back here with my  parents. They'll love the weather more than anything else. We're actually sailing on clouds.

Good night!

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Summary of a letter to god | NCERT book class 10th Chapter 1| brief summary|

September 26, 2020

        A Letter to God

                                    :- By G.L. Fuentes

Monday, August 17, 2020

How to earn money online without investment

August 17, 2020
Way to Earn money online

Now a days coast of internet is very cheap that's why social media is increasing rapidly but it has